ECCE scheme & NCS scheme

ECCE scheme is a free preschool year that is available to children. It is funded by the Department of Children.

Children are eligible for the ECCE scheme once they reach the year of their 3rd birthday.

We have preschool places available in our 3 preschool rooms – Sunflowers, Starlights & Scribblers.

Opening times are based around the school year.

The crèche is open throughout the summer if you wish to call in at any time, just phone Riona to make arrangements.

Opening and closing hours:

ECCE SESSIONS are 3 hours in the am.

We have 2 ECCE sessions – 9-12 am,  & 9.30 – 12.30pm

PRESCHOOL will be closed on the following days – Bank holidays, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas holidays and Easter holidays and midterms.


CRECHE FEE STRUCTURE effective from 1st November 2024

5 days per week  250.23

4 days per week 218.83

3 days per week 177.97 

2 days per week 118.65

Morning only 8am – 2pm  35.59

 Free 3 hour options also available ECCE only.

NCS: All children can avail of NCS to reduce their fees. Please check out to get a CHICK for your child. This allows you a discount of minimum 2.14e per hour reduction from your fees.