Food in the creche

In Ashvale crèche we understand the importance of highly nutritious, good quality meals. This is important for health and development and also to stimulate taste bubs and develop social skills involving eating and sharing.

Breakfast is provided each morning, followed at 10am by fresh fruit snack. Dinner is provided at midday. Early afternoon snack is provided at 1.30 .Tea is provided each evening which may be scones, beans on toast, soup and sandwiches.

An outside catering company- Little Dinners–  provides the hot food. Little Dinners is dedicated to providing the highest quality foods, which is especially prepared for children. All food is free of artificial additives, colourings and no extra salt is added.

We chose this method of providing food as the company has an excellent reputation in quality and hygiene. It allows us to provide a varied menu and suit special dietary requirements. A weekly menu is displayed on the notice board in the front hall. We encourage healthy eating at all times and provide a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere at meal times.